Employee of the Month for October – Sarah Brannigan
Sarah is a valued member of our team and one of our quiet achievers. When Sarah started with Sublime Care she did not have a lot of industry experience but…
Employee of the Month for August and September 2021
Due to COVID restrictions and lockdowns, Sublime Care wishes to acknowledge two brilliant staff members whom we have not had the chance to acknowledge for Employee of the Month for…
For today’s good news story, Sublime Care would like to introduce our participant, Mellissa. Mellissa is one of our SIL participants who has worked very hard towards her goals and…
Chevarne Lund – Employee of the Month for July
Chevarne is one of our incredible Disability Support Workers who provides encouragement and motivation to those she supports. Chevarne has been able to achieve the long-term goals of participants upon…
Michelle Devlin – Good News Story
Sublime Care is very excited to welcome Michelle Devlin to our team! Michelle is our new Accommodation Manager and joins our team with a wealth of knowledge being in the…
Maddison Gardner – Employee of the Month for June
Maddison is one of our long serving employees, progressing with the company since we started and currently our Client Service Manager. Maddison always offers support and advice to the rest…
Good News Story – Elijah Davies
This week we would like to introduce our participant Elijah Davies and tell you a little bit more about Elis’ progress and experience with Sublime Care. Eli is a 21-year-old…
Good News Story
We would like to congratulate Ashley Renshaw for her promotion to SIL Team Leader for Newcastle! Ashley brings a wealth of knowledge to the role from her previous experience leading…
Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea
We are delighted to announce our total donations for Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea reached $403.10. Congratulations to the Sublime Care Team and many thanks to those who donated towards this…
Gai Avery – Employee of the Month for May
Gai is one of our most reliable disability support workers who supports our participants in SIL and Community Care by providing positive engagement and encouragement. Although Gai has only been…